Pittsfield High School Class of 1957
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Pittsfield High School Class of 1957 - Looking Back
Pictures in Gallery: 313
Here are some memories from our school years, high school and before. Your classmates would love to see any picture you have of activities, groups, parties, classroom pictures, awards, etc. from this period. You can help by posting your personal photos.

If there is a particular photo that you would like to print, contact the person who posted it by clicking on his/her name and send an email asking for a copy of the file of the picture.

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391231 Some of the events in the year in which most of us were born.
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 5056

440000  Dawes School Kindergarten 1944 The first one at Dawes
Posted By: John Reagan
Views: 5248

440728 Even the 5th birthday of a classmate was big news in Hinsdale
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 4395

450301 This is an approximate date for this gathering of Marilyn Dastoli, Phyllis Benson and Marilyn's sister back in about 1945.
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 4319

460830 Playground certificates awarded
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 4370

460830 West Pittsfield kids get playground certificates
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 4398

461114 Education week article names Harvey Rennie, David Case & Peter Moeller
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 4325

470528 Public School Honor Roll
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 4370

470607  These are the young ladies in the Mount Carmel First Communion Class of 1947 which included many of our classmates. We are trying to gather the names of as many of the girls as possible. I...
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 4665

471101 Balfour Day
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 4443

471220  The picture is one taken at Dawes School at Christmas time in 1947 when we were in 2nd grade and appeared in the Berkshire Evening Eagle (it was an afternoon paper at that time). The p...
Posted By: Janet Allison Messing
Views: 5210

471220  This is another one of the holiday party of Miss Mercier's split 2nd and 3rd grades at Dawes School. Front row: Selkowitz twins, altar boy or choir boy???, Judy Leahy, ?, ???!!!, Sandy...
Posted By: Janet Allison Messing
Views: 4989

481200  Dawes School Christmas Party 1948
Posted By: Let Me Know
Views: 5167

490305 Crossing guards in 1949.  Can you pick out anyone?
Posted By: John Kozaka
Views: 4821

490714 Who among us knew that Phyllis was a bathing beauty at age 10 and that she and Dianne Renzoni were possible Olympic swimmers!
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 4414

490825 Watermelon Feast
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 4384

491210 Girl scouts celebrate birthday Honored new girl scouts, Martha Schiller and Phyllis Benson.
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 4404

500000  Billy Thornton and Ralph Lake  -- two guys who still look the same! The date is just a guess.
Posted By: Courtesy of Judy Maloy Jordy
Views: 5013

500421 Harvey Rennie helped out in a charity function. This was one of the benefits of growing up in a small city - even small efforts were mentioned in the paper.
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 4304

500509 Dancers at a Hobby Show include Barbara Belcher, Sandy Boldyga, Janet Krasky, Betty Jane Ross, Kay Smith
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 4343

500510 4H results
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 4393

500510 Newspaper article re: sixth grade music festival held when we were in 5th Grade.
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 4419

500511 Honor Roll for 5th Grade, Pittsfield Public Schools
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 4393

500516  Singing at elementary school music concert. Thanks to Janice Hamilton for most of the identifications.
Posted By: Pat Stiffler Venti
Views: 4589

500523  Russell School 5th Grade - 1950. Most of the IDs courtesy of Dorothy Fedoryshyn. GIRLS from left to right: Carol Ackhart, Ellen Jenkins, Patricia Trzcinka, Patricia Gonska, Nancy Bo...
Posted By: Phil Plouffe
Views: 5152

501212 Camp Winawentin Christmas Party Honored girls included Sandra Donna and Barbara Belcher.
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 4390

510000 Dawes School #1
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 4861

510000 Dawes School #2
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 4914

510000 Dawes School #3
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 4872

510508.1 6th Grade Music Festival Program (Front and Back pages) See the picture for this at 510508.3
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 4433

510508.2 The inside of the program for the 6th Grade Music Festival.
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 4400

510508.3  Combined 6th Grade Orchestra of Redfield and Dawes. This picture was taken at the end of the 6th Grade school year -- May 1951.
Posted By: Marilyn Dastoli Ladopoulos
Views: 5089

510508.4 Combined 6th Grade Chorus Dawes & Redfield 1st Row: Kate Green, Jane Massimiano, Emily Bosma, Ginny Hebb, Marcia Allen, Michael White, Tony Adornetto, John Reagan, Doug Cowan, Curt New...
Posted By: Marilyn Dastoli Ladopoulos
Views: 5725

510600 Stearns School graduation.
Posted By: Pat Stiffler Venti
Views: 4734

510600.1 Post graduation pictures at Russell School 6th Grade graduation commencement.
Posted By: Allan Tymczuk
Views: 4841

510600.10 Post graduation pictures at Russell School graduation commencement. Most of the photos were taken behind the school looking west.  Student's Lane and a multi-family house are in the ...
Posted By: Allan Tymczuk
Views: 4953

510600.2 Post graduation pictures at Russell School graduation commencement. Most of the photos were taken behind the school looking west.  Student's Lane and a multi-family house are in the b...
Posted By: Allan Tymczuk
Views: 4912

510600.3 Post graduation pictures at Russell School graduation commencement. Most of the photos were taken behind the school looking west.  Student's Lane and a multi-family house are in the b...
Posted By: Allan Tymczuk
Views: 4924

510600.4 Post graduation pictures at Russell School graduation commencement. Most of the photos were taken behind the school looking west.  Student's Lane and a multi-family house are in the b...
Posted By: Allan Tymczuk
Views: 4776

510600.5 Post graduation pictures at Russell School graduation commencement. Most of the photos were taken behind the school looking west.  Student's Lane and a multi-family house are in the b...
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 4805

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