Pittsfield High School Class of 1957
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Pittsfield High School Class of 1957 - Look at us now
Pictures in Gallery: 122
Every one of us was born in '38, '39 or '40 which makes us all over 70 so there's no reason for your not having a picture of your family and yourself here. Many of us have extended families with grandchildren and such. Here is a place where you can share recent pictures of yourselves with your family or friends. Simply send the file to Paul for adding to this area.

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Here is Dorothy Fedoryshyn Strand with her husband, John, and sons Bill and Eric, at her 50th wedding anniversary gathering on Dec. 29, 2012.
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 4188

2012 Christmas   Joan Menin Bianco and her grandchildren
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 4389

120818  Tony Adornetto says: Genevieve and I finally did it!  We were married on August 18, 2012 at Holy Rosary Church in Houston in a small but beautiful Nuptial Mass. Rev Fr Ian Bordenave, ...
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 3908

120519 Marilyn Dastoli Ladopoulos, her husband, Harry, and children,
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 3680

120311 John Kozaka and his family got together at John's house in Easton, MA, for a picture this past Sunday, March 11, 2012.  In front are grandkids  Lavender 3, Hope 7, and Clay 9. In back are ...
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 3691

Feb 2012 Paul and his big brother (and our classmate), Roger Procopio, got together at the Berkshire Bash in FL
Posted By: Thanks to Dick Froio
Views: 3599

110700 Classmates Barbara (Hoag) and Bob Rohlfs celebrated their anniversary a little early with their grandchildren.
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 3596

111225 Pat (Stiffler) and Paul Venti's family at Christmas 2011. In front, Sarah G and Josh V. In back are Beth Venti Gotthold, Ben G., Steve G., Brian Venti, Sean V., Eden V., Alex V. and Cam and ...
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 3408

110412  Ray and I (Lu Knowlton Winberg) had our picture taken during our family cruise in April 2011 to Cozumel.  Our 3 kids and their spouses and our two G kids went.  Six had never been on a c...
Posted By: Ray Winberg
Views: 3320

110704 Here are Alice and Phil Plouffe on July 4, 2011, at a family gathering.
Posted By: Phil Plouffe
Views: 3282

110702 Phil Plouffe and his family celebrated the 4th of July 2011 with a family get-together. Phil's comments: 'After almost 20 years we finally got all the family together for reunion pic...
Posted By: Phil Plouffe
Views: 3354

Marcie Allen Cole and her son.
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 3284

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