Pittsfield High School Class of 1957
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Pittsfield High School Class of 1957 - Look at us now
Pictures in Gallery: 122
Every one of us was born in '38, '39 or '40 which makes us all over 70 so there's no reason for your not having a picture of your family and yourself here. Many of us have extended families with grandchildren and such. Here is a place where you can share recent pictures of yourselves with your family or friends. Simply send the file to Paul for adding to this area.

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Jim Blache and his wife of 39 years, Judy, in Florida
Posted By: Jim Blache
Views: 3644

Family of Henry 'Hank' and Judi Allessio, May 2004.  Hank, right rear. Judi, back row second from left.  Son Henry Paul, back row next to Hank. Older daughter Darlene Mulcahy, red dress...
Posted By: Hank Allessio
Views: 3672

Al & Billie (Wendover) Tymczuk at a Commitment Ceremony reception in Lenox, 1/2005
Posted By: Allan Tymczuk
Views: 3652

Judy Maloy Jordy's family. Front row LtoR: SIL Keith Bainbridge, GS Steve Bainbridge, GD Megan Bainbridge, GS Ryan Makie, D Susan Mackie Bond, Judy Second Row SIL Rod Bond holding GD Grace Bond,...
Posted By: Judy Maloy Jordy
Views: 3823

Lois Styczynski and husband, Marty Schwarting, in AZ
Posted By: Lois Styczynski
Views: 3729

Bernie Beaudin and wife, Shirley (Daviau, Class of '56)
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 3715

Ralph Lake & Evelyn Lombardi - friends for 50 years!
Posted By: Evelyn (Lombardi) Jones
Views: 3740

Al Shulhan, son Kevin 3rd from left w/wife Morgan, daughter Keren 6th from left, Gail's Mom and Dad, Gail on far right.  Grandchildren from left to right are Graham, Maia, Evan, and Ian.  
Posted By: Gail MacPherson Shulhan
Views: 3674

Gail, our neice Donna Jean, Al Shulhan We are on Kennesaw Mountain,GA.,  reminds me of the Berkshires.
Posted By: Gail MacPherson Shulhan
Views: 3665

Alex Shulhan and Gail MacPherson Shulhan -- Taken in April 2007 at a wedding reception.
Posted By: Gail MacPherson and Al Shulhan
Views: 3705

Dave Farrell in Peru
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 3687

Morton Wayne, Age 92, Music Supervisor PHS 1957--- October 5, 2007
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 3640

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