Pittsfield High School Class of 1957
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Pittsfield High School Class of 1957 - Look at us now
Pictures in Gallery: 122
Every one of us was born in '38, '39 or '40 which makes us all over 70 so there's no reason for your not having a picture of your family and yourself here. Many of us have extended families with grandchildren and such. Here is a place where you can share recent pictures of yourselves with your family or friends. Simply send the file to Paul for adding to this area.

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101225 Pat (Stiffler) and Paul Venti with most of our family on Christmas Day, 2010. From left in back: AlexV(14)-BrianVenti-SeanV(2 mo)&EdenV-DanV-Steve & Beth Gotthold-BenG(18)-AllyG(16). We are ...
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 3342

101210  Gary Lausier and his wife, Evonne, had this picture taken at her Midwest Aneshesia holiday party in Dec. 2010
Posted By: Gary Lausier
Views: 3379

101205 This is the family of Paul Venti's daughter on the day his grandson, Ben, received his Eagle Scout award. From left-- Steve, Sarah, Ben, Beth and Allison Gotthold.
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 3348

2009 Picture of Janice Hamilton Brown's children and grandchildren. Janice will be providing  a list of who's who.
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 3416

100726 Paula Shaffer Schmitt’s family got together in Quebec City for a few days in July, 2010. In front are Paula’s daughter, Kristen, and her husband, Matthew Smith. In the rear are Paula’s...
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 3505

Here are Tom Mulcahy and his wife, Barbara, with a few of their grandchildren in 2010. Rumor has it that Barbara was a child bride!
Posted By: Administrator
Views: 3425

This is a picture of my wife, Carol, and me, Jim Chanen, at the Taj Mahal.  This picture was taken on December 23, 2009 when we visited our son, daughter-in-law and two of our granddaughters who...
Posted By: Jim Chanen
Views: 3408

Dorothy Fedoryshyn Strand and her husband, John, run in Southern California. These pictures are entitleled (clockwise from the left) :  Dorothy running the Brea 8K race in February 2010, placing f...
Posted By: Dorothy Fedoryshyn Strand
Views: 3390

Christmas 2009  The family of Peter and Peggy Cottrell Gamwell Our son, Richard,and daughter, Susan, are at far right.   Daughter-in-law Cindy on left, son-in-law Dennis in back row.  Grand chi...
Posted By: Pete Gamwell
Views: 3362

October 2009  Marilyn Dastoli Ladopoulos and her family. From left: Cheryl, Michelle, Harry, Nick, Marilyn, Darlene.
Posted By: Marilyn Dastoli Ladopoulos
Views: 3374

2/10 Martha Schiller writes:  A recent photo of myself and my shepard, `Momo, from Oaxaca, Mexico. Also, I'm slugging the pinata at my 70th birthday and the neighborhood kids divviing up the candy...
Posted By: Martha Schiller Moses
Views: 3421

Picture of me, Sandy McBride Olds, standing along side of our 1954 Mercury. This car was totally restored by my husband, Bernie, and me.
Posted By: Sandy McBride Olds
Views: 3494

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